Hi all!
If you're a teenager aged 15-19, I seriously need your help. I'm writing a play for people your age, you see, and as a 26 year old I'm starting feel like I'm losing touch with what you guys are all about. So help me out by filling in this questionnaire as thoroughly as you can, and then my play will (hopefully) be awesome and funny instead of lame and clichéd. When you email this through to me, let me know if you’d like to be informed if the play ever gets produced so you can come along!You can either cut and past the questions below into an email back to me at [email protected]. Or, click on the file at the top of this page to download the questions, then fill them out and send them back to me. Cheers! Firstly, how old are you and what gender are you? Online Do you spend much time on the internet during the weekend? How much? Do you sometimes prefer going on the internet than hanging out with friends? What’s the main way you communicate with friends e.g txt, phone call, Facebook? Around about how many Facebook friends do you have? Do you use MySpace at all? Bebo? Tumblr? Flickr? If you use any of these sites, why do you? Do you feel like having access to the internet all the time, and social media sites like Facebook, bring you closer to your friends, or makes you see your friends not as much in real life? What’s the main reason you use social media websites like Facebook? What’s the main thing you do on Facebook e.g. posting on friends’ walls, or status updates, or photo sharing? Is there any part of Facebook you don’t like? Do your parents understand why you like Facebook/whatever site you use? Do they give you a hard time about how much time you spend online? Have you seen much online bullying? If so, how? Do you access the internet off your phone? If so, what sites do you go to using your phone? Do you think being on sites like Facebook connects you to your friends more, or less? Being a teenager What issues do you as a teenager face that you think is unique to people around your age? Things like text/online bullying, peer pressure to do stuff, adults not taking you seriously… Have you noticed any funny quirks about being a teenager, or teenage behaviour? Eg. like how when someone has a dress-up party the girls often want a good costume that ALSO makes them look sexy. What is some teenage lingo or acronyms that you use with your friends eg. BRB, skank, random, OMG Who are some of your role models, or just people that you like and admire ie. pop stars, actors, writers? Do you think there are any TV programmes/websites/books/movies out there that really ‘get’ what it’s like to be a teenager? Which ones? What are the main ways you entertain yourself when you get home from school/in the weekends? What are your favourite TV programmes? Favourite websites? Thanks! And if there's anything else you think I should know about teenagers, please add it to the bottom of your email. Lil :)
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January 2024