Well, in 2021 the rest of you finally got on board with what I've been saying for years: working from home is the BOMB. Okay, not the first take-away we think of from 2021, but it doesn't need spelling out what a strange year it was, does it? In many ways 2021 was business as usual for me, although I had some NEW opportunities to try out my hand at writing for the television industry when my book Not That I'd Kiss A Girl was optioned by one of New Zealand's largest production companies, South Pacific Pictures, and they let me in the writer's room to do some storylining with a fantastic team of other women. Highlight of the year for me, as I am a pop culture and TV nut and have the 1994 Shortland Street cover of Kirsty and Lionel's wedding to prove it. I also continued on with writer's festival events to promote the book around New Zealand, culminating in speaking with one of New Zealand's most prolific novelists, Charlotte Grimshaw, at the Auckland Writers Festival. It was also another year of great copywriting challenges:
Can't wait to see what 2022 will bring... get in touch if you have a project you need a hand with.
January 2024