Just put up some info about one of my passions on the Other Projects page: working with Rainbow Youth. I've been going into highschools to help with the gender & sexuality programme, telling my coming out story and generally being blown away by the whole experience since early 2011. Now they're letting me teach the children... (gulp) Check it out on the Other Projects page.
WTF? Last night was the launch of this very important campaign, aiming to raise funds for Rainbow Youth and Outline. Heaps of celebrities came on board to make a video we're hoping will go viral, so watch it below and please pass it on. Funds raised go towards things like Rainbow Youth's education programme where they go into schools to teach gender and sexuality - in an amazing way that connects with the kids I might say (You know how Katy Perry sung that song 'I Kissed A Girl', with the cherry chapstick. Where do you think she might be on the sexuality continuum?). I've been going along to tell my coming out story at these classes for a couple of years now, and I've seen first hand what an impact it has. You've never seen kids so attentive! The aim of the video is to make people realise that discrimination against LGBT people does still happen, with a number of fall-outs from this (such as a suicide rate 4x higher amongst gay teens). Many people don't seem to realise we still haven't achieved equality. Anyway, the video's a lot more fun than this post, so watch and enjoy! (And donate) |
January 2024